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Lapdogs of the Venal Press

By April 2, 2020January 26th, 2022No Comments

Things that piss me off a lit­tle bit?

Writ­ing about some cur­rent event, exam­in­ing and ref­er­enc­ing pri­ma­ry source mate­r­i­al. Then watch­ing a week lat­er — after it’s old news — as the lap­dogs of the venal press slob­ber over the same report, but from the New York Times or Wash­ing­ton Post, because it’s the pur­port­ed trust­wor­thi­ness of the medi­at­ing com­men­tari­at not the actu­al sourced facts that matter.

The truth is hard… indeed. That’s why you need gate­keep­ers who’ve nev­er left mid­town and wouldn’t under­stand the dif­fer­ence between an epis­teme and a doxa if a Madi­son Avenue copy­writer fea­tured it in their adver­tis­ing campaign.