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I’m cer­tain­ly not alone in won­der­ing what the response might be to cer­tain pecu­liar human cus­toms if, say, an extrater­res­tri­al were to show up. Here’s one I think about more often than I’d like to:
“So, once a year you slaugh­ter a six to eight year old infant megaflo­ra, dis­play its corpse promi­nent­ly in your domi­cile as it weeps vital flu­ids from its wounds, fes­toon it with shiny baubles and illu­mi­nants until it begins to des­ic­cate and dis­in­te­grate, and after only a short time you dis­card its decay­ing hulk…
“And this is meant as a sym­bol of the tri­umph over death and ever­last­ing life?”