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The Eng­lish word quar­an­tine derives from the Ital­ian quar­an­ti­no for forty days, allud­ing to the forty days that mer­chant ves­sels were barred from mar­itime ports like Venice if they had come from plague-strick­en regions. Sev­en hun­dred years ago, as Europe was rou­tine­ly being rav­aged by out­breaks of the Black Death, the orig­i­nal man­dates were for 30 days — a trenti­no — but prac­ti­tion­ers of Physick pushed for a bib­li­cal­ly inspired 40-day peri­od of purification.

In ear­ly colo­nial Amer­i­can his­to­ry, quar­an­tine pro­to­cols var­ied from munic­i­pal­i­ty to munic­i­pal­i­ty, province to province, and lat­er from state to state. But, once again, they cen­tered around ports of entry, because out­breaks of yel­low fever and cholera could near­ly always be traced to incom­ing mer­chant or pas­sen­ger ves­sels. After one too many dev­as­tat­ing yel­low fever out­breaks, the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment passed quar­an­tine leg­is­la­tion in 1878, paving the way for greater fed­er­al involve­ment in pre­vent­ing pandemics.

By 1921 the quar­an­tine sys­tem was nation­al­ized. By the mid­dle of the last cen­tu­ry over 500 quar­an­tine sta­tions were locat­ed at every port, inter­na­tion­al air­port, and major bor­der cross­ing. This was a fact of life with glob­al com­merce and inter­course scal­ing up in mod­ern indus­tri­al­ized nations, but it was by no means nov­el. Dis­ease has always spread through the mer­can­tile inter­min­gling of peo­ples in our great trade cen­ters, where every­one con­verges to exchange what they have for what they need.

This is not a con­se­quence of cur­rent mod­els of glob­al com­merce, but glob­al com­merce peri­od. This is not China’s fault in par­tic­u­lar, or our fault for trad­ing with Chi­na in gen­er­al, any more than it has ever been anyone’s par­tic­u­lar or gen­er­al fault that the invis­i­ble mal­ice of mal­a­dy plagues human societies.

(Semi-relat­ed­ly, it has very lit­tle to do with our nar­row-mind­ed dis­gust at dif­fer­ing cul­tur­al norms or ances­tral cuisines, even those that prob­a­bly have out­lived their sell-by-date. These kinds of dis­eases are equal­ly as like­ly to make the ani­mal-to-human jump in con­ven­tion­al­ly-raised cat­tle, hogs, or fowl as they are in pan­golins or bats, nei­ther of which vec­tors can actu­al­ly be con­clud­ed at present from the evidence.)

The gov­ern­men­tal response is not an act of tyran­ny, it’s a well-prece­dent­ed — both his­tor­i­cal­ly and legal­ly — cross-cul­tur­al, trans­po­lit­i­cal pro­gram that we find espe­cial­ly shock­ing because we have the inor­di­nate priv­i­lege of an unusu­al­ly long peri­od of free­dom from pesti­lence; such that there has been no com­pa­ra­ble pan­dem­ic in liv­ing memory.

Imag­ine the sheer improb­a­ble degree of per­son­al priv­i­lege you must have to be out­raged by bare­ly a month­long restric­tion on your mobil­i­ty. Imag­ine that you, with all your pet­ty prob­lems, have made it to your sec­ond, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, sev­enth, eighth, maybe ninth decade of life and the vast major­i­ty of it has tran­spired with almost none of the mis­eries that afflict­ed mankind uni­ver­sal­ly for our first 100,000 years of ful­ly con­scious suffering?

Holy fuck! Maybe it’s actu­al­ly that you’re a pret­ty lit­tle cake-gob­bling princess in the throes of Amer­i­can afflu­ence, rather than that Gov­er­nor So-and-so is an intol­er­a­ble tyrant!?

How’bout this? Sci­en­tists are only begin­ning to pub­lish stud­ies to project the extent and dura­tion of immu­ni­ty to SARS-CoV­‑2 and how long and under what con­di­tions it will take to build herd immu­ni­ty suf­fi­cient­ly that our health­care sys­tem won’t be over­whelmed by every new out­break. Some­thing that puts everyone’s lives at risk by con­cen­trat­ing all of our efforts rou­tine­ly on pan­dem­ic response rather than on the mil­lions of oth­er health issues fac­ing Amer­i­cans on any giv­en day; par­tic­u­lar­ly our biggest killers, heart dis­ease and cancer.

These stud­ies are not illus­tra­tive of any real or actu­al out­come. No, we will not be under lock­down until the sum­mer of 2022. That’s click­bait from a sci­en­tif­i­cal­ly illit­er­ate press that prof­its on sen­sa­tion­al­ism. The recent Har­vard study is a warn­ing of the “poten­tial­ly cat­a­stroph­ic bur­den on the health­care sys­tem that is pre­dict­ed“ IF “dis­tanc­ing is poor­ly effec­tive and/​or not sus­tained for long enough.”

As Zeynep Tüfekçi point­ed out recent­ly in the Atlantic, these kinds of stud­ies are not real­ly pre­dic­tions, though, they’re warn­ings that describe a “range of pos­si­bil­i­ties” and that “those pos­si­bil­i­ties are high­ly sen­si­tive to our actions.” The more that we get of these stud­ies, the bet­ter we’ll be posi­tioned to under­stand the fullest range of pos­si­bil­i­ties and act accordingly.

One of those pos­si­bil­i­ties is that if we reject quar­an­tine pro­to­cols now and into the near future, we could end up with peri­ods of sus­tained iso­la­tion over the course years, as the dis­ease surges and resurges. IF… and it’s a big IF… IF we get our panties in a knot and reject the tyran­ny of present poli­cies like self-obsessed twats.

What we do know is that

a) this is hap­pen­ing and left unchecked it could have eas­i­ly been and still could be one of the dead­liest of pandemics;

b) it will change our social life, as it has in the short term but quite pos­si­bly in very impor­tant ways permanently;

c) this is like­ly only the first in what many have been pre­dict­ing are glob­al con­di­tions ripe for new, espe­cial­ly aggres­sive viral muta­tions to spread like wildfire;

d) we have to box up our egos, shelve them in a dark clos­et, and lay the mon­ey on the table to shore up so much that is bro­ken in our soci­ety, frac­tures and fault-lines that have made man­ag­ing this cri­sis hard­er and ren­dered it more destruc­tive than com­pre­hen­sive but cost­ly pre­pared­ness would have.

How we col­lec­tive­ly choose to behave in the com­ing weeks will demon­strate whether we have the grit of our ances­tors or if we’ll throw a tem­per tantrum and extend the forty days in the desert into a Lent that nev­er real­ly ends.