Belovèd, pen for me a love song sweet,
Like once gushed forth at love’s impassioned start!
Where went your odes to our love’s deep conceit?
Now that the flames are naught but ember’s heat,
Why have you let life’s habits douse your heart?
Belovèd, pen for me a love song sweet!
Since now we by our troth are joined complete,
Since wed together, never hence apart,
Where went your odes to our love’s deep conceit?
What now enshrouds your heart, a sheet
of normalcy? Break free, your love impart,
And for me pen again a love song sweet!
Did not those vows then make our love replete?
Why then did all your love songs swift depart?
Where went your odes to our love’s deep conceit?
Perhaps long love is closeness – concord – constancy?
Maybe love is a lyric voiced by presence, by support?
Belovèd, is each together-moment love song sweet?
Is love hereafter lived out in absence of conceit?