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By December 17, 2024February 1st, 2025No Comments

You may have noticed, or per­haps you were try­ing very delib­er­ate­ly not to, despair­ing voice­less­ly in your inmost parts. I think I’m back after twen­ty-two months away. I’ve missed you all. How­ev­er, after a pro­tract­ed and immis­er­at­ing recess where­in I felt rather bereft of char­ac­ter and qual­i­ty, the fire in my bel­ly seems to once again be burn­ing with its long­stand­ing and inco­her­ent com­bi­na­tion of sen­ti­men­tal­iz­ing grat­i­tude for all of the things and all of the peo­ple and a kind of ersatz cur­mud­geon­li­ness indig­nant at how much idio­cy and self­ish­ness con­tin­ue to assert them­selves against the for­mer. Enjoy dia­gram­ming that sentence.

So, any­way, you’ll nev­er escape this my con­vo­lut­ed prose pur­pled with the bat­ter­ing of a thou­sand lit­er­ary allu­sions and an inerad­i­ca­ble com­mit­ment to our hea­then lord Anachronos.

I found a lapel pin, which I still need to acquire as a gen­er­al­ized response to near­ly every­thing that annoys me about our era, not least with­in my own self, that reads “But did you die”. No, I did not.
And, it is true that what doesn’t kill you, makes you stro… well, leaves you with trau­ma and — let’s be hon­est — trau­ma makes you inter­est­ing. Is there a worse fate than to be well-adjust­ed, with­out wound or injury, and bor­ing as all fuck?