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Hus­band, Father ×2, Repro­bate, Scriven­er, Ver­si­fi­er, Graph­ic Mak­er, Epis­co­palian, Human­ist, Con­ser­va­tion­ist, Restor­er of Fid­dly Bits, Scourge of Tame­ness, Allentonian

What I Do
  • Type Com­po­si­tion
  • Illus­tra­tion
  • Scriven­ry
  • Ver­si­fi­ca­tion
  • Idling
  • Child Rear­age
  • House­wifery
  • Antiquing
  • Grease­mon­key­ing
  • Wood­work­ing
The Dull Stuff

Autobiographical Miscellany

I am 36 years old; a queer, bisex­u­al man; a hus­band; a stay-at-home fa­ther of two boys; a house­keep­er and pass­able home cook, a life­long Penn­syl­van­ian, an adopt­ed Allen­ton­ian, a neigh­bor and a wit­ness; a fol­lower and dis­ci­ple oChrist Je­sus; an Epis­co­palian of some­what reformed but most­ly lat­i­tu­di­nar­ian churchmanship.

For­mer chair­man and cur­rent mem­ber of Board of Trustees for the Allen­town Preser­va­tion League (since 2015); for­mer­ly Direc­tor of Com­mu­ni­ca­tion for Trin­i­ty Church Prince­ton (2018−2023), for­merly the Mis­sioner for Com­mu­ni­ca­tion in the Epis­co­pal Dio­cese of Beth­le­hem (2013−2015); an in­sup­press­ible scriven­er of the worst sort; a ver­si­fier who feigns to be a poet; a mak­er: type­set­ter, print­er, sta­tioner, il­lus­tra­tor, book­binder, web de­signer, re­storer of fid­dly bits, tin­kerer, butch­er, bak­er, can­dle­stick mak­er, and domes­tic wield­er of the uni­ver­sal stick.

Final­ly, I am a con­form­ing non-con­­formist who is non-tra­di­­tion­al­ly tra­di­tional; an indi­vid­u­al­ist and col­lec­tivist who doesn’t under­stand the dis­tinc­tion; a clas­si­cal con­ser­v­a­tive in some sens­es, a clas­si­cal lib­er­al in oth­ers; eco­nom­i­cal­ly, a Key­ne­sian revival­ist; philo­soph­i­cal­ly, a prag­ma­tist (James) and empiri­cist (Hume); an unapolo­getic chris­t­ian hu­man­ist; a well-reg­u­lat­ed lib­er­tine and scourge of tame­ness; and some­one gen­er­al­ly com­fort­able with a plu­ral­i­ty of epis­te­molo­gies oper­at­ing in tan­dem and tension.

Roles + Responsibilities


Sec­re­tary of the Board

at the A’town Preser­va­tion Leag. for 10 years

Free­lance Com­mu­ni­ca­tor & Graph­ic Maker

at Bond & Sons (for­mer­ly sans Sons) for 18 years

Fore­man Fac­to­tum of Domes­tic Machinery

at House of Bond for 14 years