Husband, Father ×2, Reprobate, Scrivener, Versifier, Graphic Maker, Episcopalian, Humanist, Conservationist, Restorer of Fiddly Bits, Scourge of Tameness, Allentonian
What I Do
- Type Composition
- Illustration
- Scrivenry
- Versification
- Idling
- Child Rearage
- Housewifery
- Antiquing
- Greasemonkeying
- Woodworking
The Dull Stuff
Autobiographical Miscellany
I am 36 years old; a queer, bisexual man; a husband; a stay-at-home father of two boys; a housekeeper and passable home cook, a lifelong Pennsylvanian, an adopted Allentonian, a neighbor and a witness; a follower and disciple of Christ Jesus; an Episcopalian of somewhat reformed but mostly latitudinarian churchmanship.
Former chairman and current member of Board of Trustees for the Allentown Preservation League (since 2015); formerly Director of Communication for Trinity Church Princeton (2018−2023), formerly the Missioner for Communication in the Episcopal Diocese of Bethlehem (2013−2015); an insuppressible scrivener of the worst sort; a versifier who feigns to be a poet; a maker: typesetter, printer, stationer, illustrator, bookbinder, web designer, restorer of fiddly bits, tinkerer, butcher, baker, candlestick maker, and domestic wielder of the universal stick.
Finally, I am a conforming non-conformist who is non-traditionally traditional; an individualist and collectivist who doesn’t understand the distinction; a classical conservative in some senses, a classical liberal in others; economically, a Keynesian revivalist; philosophically, a pragmatist (James) and empiricist (Hume); an unapologetic christian humanist; a well-regulated libertine and scourge of tameness; and someone generally comfortable with a plurality of epistemologies operating in tandem and tension.
Roles + Responsibilities
at the A’town Preservation Leag. for 10 years
at Bond & Sons (formerly sans Sons) for 18 years
at House of Bond for 14 years