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Where­as numer­ous attempts to dis­lodge my tongue from my cheek have proven vain in the past, I here­by resolve to leave it where it is and let aspi­ra­tions of earnest­ness alone, save in the mak­ing of French sauces where one must be sober-mind­ed. One can­not rea­son­ably undo a lifetime’s worth of per­son­al­i­ty and so one shall give up the pre­tense of trying.

Where­as improve­ment has become this era’s most espe­cial gild­ed fatling, such that it is nigh incon­ceiv­able that one could go even a day with­out encoun­ter­ing the hur­ried striv­ings of the madded throng, I here­by resolve to improve only by accident.

Where­as it is very law in these our lat­ter days to tol­er­ate less and accept even few­er, lest they yield entire­ly to the pres­sures of the soi dis­ant right­eous, I here­by resolve to tol­er­ate every­thing and accept any­thing, my prin­ci­ple caveat being that one can tol­er­ate any­thing if one ignores near­ly every­one and accept every­one doing almost any­thing if one is dis­tract­ed enough by French sauces and consommé.

Where­as it is said that spir­it­ed con­trar­i­an­ism is a young man’s sport, I here­by resolve to con­tin­ue its cul­ti­va­tion through mid­dle age that it might become so firm­ly set in the bedrock of behav­ior that none shall both­er me in my dotage.

Where­as the votaries of the self chant in unhushed tones pri­or­i­tiz­ing one’s own care and the firm estab­lish­ment of impen­e­tra­ble bound­aries and bor­ders, dis­pens­ing with the ener­va­tions of the needy crowd and its venal wants for the sake of per­son­al ful­fill­ments, I here­by resolve to tear down the remain­ing walls, to con­tin­u­al­ly say ‘yes,’ to stretch taut and leave ragged the heart, and nerve, and sinew, and final­ly, when the hour approach­es, to be glad for hav­ing been thor­ough­ly used up.

Where­as there are unnum­bered laws and creeds that cap­ture for a day the inat­ten­tion of a spoilt and aim­less peo­ple, I here­by resolve to let my heart seize up in my bosom, eager­ly and deci­sive­ly, at some future dawn­ing, to expire sud­den­ly hav­ing nev­er paid them any mind what­so­ev­er and to feast, and sing, and love, and dare to feel… until the last course is served — one hopes with velouté, the last notes fade, the last embrace melts away, the last flick­er of sen­sa­tion dies…