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Commended for Cowardice

By December 17, 2024February 1st, 2025No Comments

Have you ever been praised for the very con­duct for which you are most dis­gust­ed with and dis­ap­point­ed in yourself? 

I still recall how hideous­ly my step­fa­ther behaved toward me as an ado­les­cent, now twen­ty years ago, ridi­cul­ing me for “fag­gotry” and “effem­i­na­cy” because I drew and paint­ed, read and wrote poet­ry, lis­tened to chant and polypho­ny and vio­lin con­cer­tos, and appre­ci­at­ed lan­guage, let­ters, and the fine arts more generally. 

Nev­er­mind that he was fifty per­cent cor­rect, when I did fall in love with a woman and had chil­dren with her, this was the answer he need­ed to all of his sus­pi­cions and he was pos­i­tive­ly enthused that he had not raised a homo­sex­u­al. And, of course, I loathed myself for not hav­ing the courage to tell him that I was actu­al­ly bisex­u­al and he could fuck off. 

Any­way, much more recent­ly, I was praised for my “pro­fes­sion­al­ism, integri­ty, and amaz­ing cre­ativ­i­ty” under con­di­tions in which the eth­i­cal thing to do would have been to denounce the utter lack of those qual­i­ties, as well as the con­comi­tant abu­sive­ness and exploita­tion, on the part of the per­son doing the prais­ing; and that that was real­ly an incred­i­bly hurt­ful and insult­ing way to sug­ar­coat my pas­siv­i­ty and for­bear­ance in the moment.

But, of course, I accept­ed the “com­pli­ment” and hat­ed myself for it. I won­der, though, how often we avoid con­fronta­tion and accept com­men­da­tions for the very things that are weak­est and worst about us? Or how often we ago­nize in it while the com­menders go on to live obliv­i­ous­ly, nev­er called to account for their mis­ap­pre­hen­sions or made to reassess the false assump­tions under which they act and influ­ence and ulti­mate­ly injure?