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Hewn tim­ber beams from heart of sap-bled pine
Laid out in the antic­i­pa­tion of that crime,
Which in its cul­mi­na­tion wrought in death,
Debas­es full the bondage of our debt.

Flayed out and spat upon, in trumpery decked,
The accusèd wracked and in reprisal wrecked,
For mere the want of love engen­dered full,
Stripped of human­i­ty, the victim’s toll
Sub­mit­ted to the gate-guard of the whole,
Entered the redempt’ry sac­ri­fi­cial rôle
Excised by nature, by will dispossessed,
Eter­nal promise by same will suppressed.
Grace offered and denied, a litany refrain,
In every era this the godhead’s pain —
Undone by act of clement good­ness just,
To save as need­ed saved, dis­joint­ed dust.

Who like a com­mon debtor took the debt,
And like a slave to labor did submit,
And like mere man in flesh was thus­ly shroud,
By con­de­cen­sion hum­ble, for worth­less proud.
Which love hanged on a tree today to die,
On mount of rot and bone, ’neath black­ened sky.
Erect­ed as a thes­pi­an stages plays,
The mob in blood­thirst there to fix their gaze
Upon the gory scene, that gris­ly dance —
The beams, the earth, the nails, the jeers, the lance.

For­sak­en, no, for those as dust shall bow,
Pos­ter­i­ty shall serve, recount, and show,
Last breath, tete­lestai, last spir­it pull,
So billed, the ledger-entry: Paid in full.

Deposed, rests nes­tled near the mother’s rib,
Cold, blud­geoned face yeilds to then pur­pled lip.
The crowds dis­perse, the cur­tain call is made,
Last final hope of all is smit­ten, slayed,
Enwrapped and spiced upon a slab is laid,
The por­tal shut as evening sun-rays fade.

Unknown the pay­ment ten­dered, and so adjourn,
Uncon­scious of impend­ing tri­umph and return.