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I con­fess to you, my fel­lows, that I very much enjoy
Scrib­bling vers­es that yawn chas­mic ’cross the page,
Yet could count and still have dig­its in the dole queue unemployed,
The per­sons who have ever once engaged.

Decapen­ta syl­la­bles, (most­ly) iambs foot to foot,
A char­i­ot that reels steady ’cross the room,
The blovi­at­ing bom­bast of a pon­tiff in pursuit,
Bidecadal dis­rup­tions, quar­ter train­ing to their doom.

When I was young and inno­cent — so well warmed-over that
I strung these cadent lines with spright­ly speed
And hyper­son­ic clipped across the sprout­ing green, whereat
As yet undimmed per­cip­i­ence went to seed.

These days I lum­ber slow­ly, ache in cast­ing broad the germ.
I limp and catch in ruts that leave me sore.
I’ve an ebbing in motil­i­ty and parts now less than firm—
A sense incip­i­ent I’ve become a bore.

Fibrous tufts of den­drites are receiv­ing most­ly noise,
Low pass atten­u­a­tions sound like tin,
More gain cranked on the sig­nal fideli­ty destroys,
Just take the loss in vol­ume on the chin.

I con­fess to you, my fel­lows, that I very much adored
The poetaster’s pre­tense meter­ing rime,
But the bay went in the pot­tage to some worka­day reward,
And what­ev­er after fol­lows has had sim­mered off its shine.